
We develop websites and apps that do exactly what you need. We specialize in custom web development services, which means that your solution will be tailored to perfectly fit your business.


Leverage our experience and hands-on knowledge of industry domains and specialized solutions.


We use mostly open-source technologies, which significantly cuts development costs without compromising on quality and security.


Greenice is a Top Rated web development agency established in 2007.

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Kateryna Reshetilo
Kateryna Reshetilo - Head of Marketing at Greenice

Kateryna’s job is to understand the markets the company is serving, formulate the best offerings for potential clients, and market them in the most effective way. In addition to that, she is also responsible for discovering new market niches and developing competitive strategies to exploit them. 

Kateryna uses Content Marketing as the main way to reach target audiences. She believes that helping potential clients by providing advice and useful information is the best marketing strategy. She handles content planning and editing at Greenice. 

Reshetilo has written a number of articles on the topics of eCommerce, Healthcare, and eLearning.

She has a bachelor’s degree in International Business with a Major in Marketing and Minor in Finance (Hanzehogeschool, Groningen). 

Outside of work Kateryna loves spending time with family, and she is an enthusiastic climber and windsurfer. 

Her articles have been featured in such publications as MarketingSherpa, DZone, ThriveGlobal.

Connect with Kateryna on Linkedin.


Business Automation Healthcare Marketplace Start a Project Technologies eLearning


5 eLearning Trends in 2025 That Can Make You Reconsider Your eLearning Strategy
eLearning 5 eLearning Trends in 2025 That Can Make You Reconsider Your eLearning Strategy

Curious to know what the future holds for the corporate eLearning industry in 2025?

After all, wouldn’t it be nice to know beforehand if one day your boss decides to replace you with a robot?!

Luckily, this isn’t the case for most of us, at least not yet. Nonetheless, this year we will see a lot of advancements in educational technology. And, in this article, we outline the general directions for these advancements, i.e. eLearning trends to follow.

Kateryna Reshetilo
Guide on how to Calculate Return on Investment (ROI) of eLearning?
eLearning Guide on how to Calculate Return on Investment (ROI) of eLearning?
“What’s the ROI of your mother?” enquired Gary Vaynerchuk when someone asked him about the return on investment of social media marketing.

Gary has a point here. Not everything may or should be quantified. Some things bring non-monetary value that is far greater than money. For instance, if your safety training leads to fewer accidents, it can potentially result in a saved human life. Now, that is invaluable!

However, when it comes to corporate training programs, sometimes you do need to show the numbers, especially if you want a bigger budget.

Kateryna Reshetilo
How to Automate a Real Estate Business Using Custom CRM Software
Business Automation How to Automate a Real Estate Business Using Custom CRM Software
“95% of our energy should be spent on generating income. If I am spending that time typing in stuff, adjusting stuff, organizing stuff and only 5% of time on generating income, then I am in trouble!”  Kris McCullough, a thought leader in real estate business, owner of KSA

When it is just you and a couple of clients, it might be easy to concentrate on the core activities 95% of the time. But as your client base grows and you add more and more people to the team, administrative and organizational tasks start to take over.

That’s the time when agents turn to business tools like real estate CRM and marketing automation software.

Kateryna Reshetilo
How to Build a Custom ERP System: the 8 Step Guide
Business Automation How to Build a Custom ERP System: the 8 Step Guide

A failure of an ERP development project can cause a major setback for the entire company, or even its death. In this article, we’ll talk about the 8 ways of avoiding those pitfalls, by carefully planning your custom ERP software. We share our own experiences, as well as the experience of others, so be prepared for a lot of examples.

Kateryna Reshetilo
How Leading Companies Use Machine Learning in HR to Dramatically Improve Efficiency
Business Automation How Leading Companies Use Machine Learning in HR to Dramatically Improve Efficiency

What do Google, IBM, Unilever, and IKEA have in common, besides being market leaders? They, along with a handful of others, are trailblazers that have been applying artificial intelligence in human capital management for years already, and they have done so successfully!

Regardless of whether you believe in the ‘Terminator’ scenario or not, right now machine learning can give your company a real competitive edge in talent management.

Kateryna Reshetilo
How to Build a Conference App That Adds Value to Your Event
Marketplace How to Build a Conference App That Adds Value to Your Event

Are you organizing a conference and want to make it a memorable experience for your attendees? Look no further than a conference app! In this article, we'll explore the key goals of event app development and the must-have features that will make everyone love it. From providing essential information about your event to facilitating networking, engagement, and learning opportunities, your conference app has the potential to take your event to the next level.

Kateryna Reshetilo
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