
We develop websites and apps that do exactly what you need. We specialize in custom web development services, which means that your solution will be tailored to perfectly fit your business.


Leverage our experience and hands-on knowledge of industry domains and specialized solutions.


We use mostly open-source technologies, which significantly cuts development costs without compromising on quality and security.


Greenice is a Top Rated web development agency established in 2007.

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Web Application Development Services

We create modern, scalable, and secure solutions that help our clients go to the next level.

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our web app services

We are experts in custom web application development for businesses of all sizes. Here are the types of solutions we can build for you:

Custom web application development

For over a decade, our company has provided professional web application development services focusing on building custom web apps from scratch. We have extensive experience creating:

  • Custom CRMs that optimize company processes, reduce manual work, and allow our clients to quickly reach and exceed their goals.
  • Custom ERP solutions that automate work and synchronize data of multiple departments.
  • Industry-specific web applications for Healthcare, eCommerce, Education, and Real Estate. Our solutions meet the exact needs of businesses, taking into account the peculiarities of narrow specializations.
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Mobile web application development

At Greenice, we specialize in cross-platform mobile app development. Progressive Web Apps (PWA) and React Native ones are less expensive and much quicker to develop than native iOS and Android apps. We have developed over 40 different apps for Entertainment, Education, Events, and eCommerce purposes. Among our clients, you can find Inc.500 companies as well as top U.S. pharmaceutical companies.

Our solutions are swift and powerful. They are nearly indistinguishable in appearance from native apps. They are able to work under high loads, processing hundreds of concurrent connections, which is especially important for apps that need to update in real-time.

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SPA development

Need a dynamic and highly interactive app?

Single-Page Application (SPA) is perfect for news apps, maps, dashboards, event apps, online polls, social media, and other apps whose content must be updated independent of an Internet connection.

We create SPAs that have great speed and performance and work with all browsers and devices. The rapid content loading will improve your mobile users’ experience.

Being cheaper and quicker in development, an SPA is perfect for MVP projects, and when you are ready, they can be modified into native mobile apps by using the same back-end code.

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Find out if an SPA is the right choice for you!

We are experts in custom web application development for businesses of all sizes

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SaaS development

We are familiar with the peculiarities of SaaS development, so we are able to create secure, customizable, and reliable systems:

  • We apply the latest and the most reliable cloud technologies (like AWS and Google Cloud) that allow us to securely store databases of different SaaS users (organizations or individuals) and deliver timely system updates.
  • We integrate different payment methods to automatically collect SaaS subscription fees.
  • Our broad experience in API development allows us to integrate your SaaS app with different third-party applications.
  • We keep an eye on all the latest data security regulations (like GDPR, HIPAA), making sure your solution is compliant with all of them.

Our team has successfully built and delivered SaaS applications for different business domains and is ready to do an excellent job for you, too.

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Legacy Software Modernization

Sometimes it is impossible to add new features or integrations with third-party software if your application uses old technology. We have vast experience in legacy software modernization, helping our clients improve their systems.

With code refactoring and migration to newer frameworks, our clients obtain lots of benefits:

  • Easier and quicker implementation of new features
  • Avoiding incompatibility issues between old and new technologies
  • Significant performance and security improvement
  • Elimination of defects

Don’t worry, your data will be safe and sound, and your app will be usable during development. If you have an application that needs modernization, we can help!

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Step #1


Send us a request for project development that briefly describes your challenge or idea. We’ll schedule a call with you to clarify the details and choose the best way forward. Our Business Analysts will study your requirements and will help you finalize your idea.

Step #2


The Development Team Lead will come up with a plan that describes the technology choice and development stages, sets the priorities and timeframes, and lists responsibilities. We will use this information to give you accurate time and budget estimates.

Step #3


We’ll assign a dedicated Project Manager to divide work into sprints, supervise the development process, and report to you on a regular basis. We abide by Agile methodology that gives flexibility to make changes on the go. First, we deliver your MVP to launch as quickly as possible and then we add the advanced features by iterations.

Step #4

Quality Assurance

During the final steps of the development, we’ll bring on a team of QA engineers to make sure the product meets the requirements. Before certifying the excellence of the product, we’ll go through all possible user scenarios in an effort to eliminate any bugs or inconsistencies.

Step #5

Deployment and maintenance

When the solution is ready, we’ll deploy the web app online, make it available for your corporate use, or submit your app to the App Store or Google Play Store. At this stage, we can either finish our partnership or continue to provide maintenance and future upgrades.


“Greenice was the best thing that happened to us.”
Imdat As, Founder & CEO, Arcbazar
“The entire Greenice team is eager to get involved.”
Bruce Lindsay, CEO, NoCowboys
“We love working with Greenice and their very professional team! We live and work in the US and although there is a time delay between us they always are available on our time and communicate very timely. Our project is amazing and functions exactly the way we had envisioned it would since the first day we started working with Greenice. Highly recommended.”
Taylor Cerjan, Partner and Co-Founder at at GO Staffing

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The technology stack we use includes, but is not limited to:

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  • Business-orientation Our goal is to help your business be successful. If you are a startup, we’ll identify the best way to implement your ideas and help you start your project cost-effectively with MVP approach. For existing companies, we’ll find how to digitally transform your existing processes to bring you to the next level.
  • Deep technical expertise Our specialists will choose the best technologies, help you prioritize features, and enhance the user experience.
  • All-inclusive service We provide full-cycle development services from creating project requirements to project launch and maintenance.
  • Top-quality work We take our reputation seriously, and quality is our top priority. We create scalable, secure, and productive solutions of any complexity.

Greenice was established
Full-time employees
Projects we developed
Clients from around the globe

Our Expertise


Exotics Racing is website and ERP for the world’s largest fleet of supercars in Las Vegas for driving experiences. We made migration of their server infrastructure to AWS, worked on usability and backend.

Physiotec: the Leading Physiotherapy Exercise Software
Business Automation Healthcare Physiotec: the Leading Physiotherapy Exercise Software

Physiotec is a Canadian company that specializes in the development of rehabilitation exercise instructions for physiotherapists around the globe. We helped them create an electronic system to manage Home Exercise Programs (HEPs). Well-designed HEP software is a key for effective work and great experience for patients and therapists.

Continuing Medical Education Platform for Medical Professionals
eLearning Continuing Medical Education Platform for Medical Professionals

Our client is a Continuing Medical Education (CME) provider, founder of ExchangeCME eLearning platform for doctors. We helped them develop a web portal for continuing medical education that enables personalized online and offline learning and certification for medical specialists.

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