Are you ready to elevate your project to new heights? Discover how a dedicated web development team can transform your business vision into reality. Dive into the world of bespoke solutions, where every detail is tailored to fit your unique needs and strategic goals.

For more than a decade, Greenice has served as a dedicated team for a diverse range of companies. Our projects include enhancing the physiotherapy software for Canadian company Wibbi and developing a range of products for an American cosmetics firm featured in the Inc 500 list.

In this article, we’ll explore what a dedicated software development team is, how it is different from other models, its benefits, and whom it suits the most. Join in!

What is a dedicated software development team?

A dedicated web development team is a group of professionals specifically assembled to handle all the technological requirements of a client's project from start to finish. This team works as an extension of the client’s in-house staff but is managed by the service provider.

Who is on the team?

A typical dedicated team is carefully structured to cover every aspect of web development, ensuring a holistic approach to building your digital solution. Here’s a closer look at each role within the team:

who is on the team

Web developers

Front-end developers: These developers are responsible for building the part of your website that users interact with. They ensure that all visual elements are correctly implemented and that user experiences are seamless across different devices and browsers. Front-end developers use technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks like React or Angular.

Back-end developers: These team members focus on the server side of your website. They manage the database interactions, server logic, APIs, and the underlying operations that process your business logic. Back-end developers often work with programming languages and frameworks such as Node.js, Python, Ruby on Rails, and Java.

UI/UX designers

UI/UX designers are pivotal in ensuring the product is both appealing and functional. The UI (User Interface) designer focuses on the look and feel of the website, designing the layout and interactive elements like buttons and icons. On the other hand, the UX (User Experience) designer works on optimizing the navigation and flow of the website to ensure a pleasant and intuitive user experience. They conduct user research and apply ergonomics to ensure that the website is accessible and easy to use.

Quality assurance testers

Quality Assurance (QA) testers are crucial for maintaining the integrity of the final product. They conduct systematic tests to find and fix bugs before the website goes live. Their role is to ensure that the website operates smoothly under various conditions and adheres to the predetermined specifications. QA testers use both manual and automated testing tools to cover all facets of testing, including functional, performance, and security tests.

Project manager

The project manager acts as the liaison between the client and the development team. They are responsible for setting milestones, keeping the project on schedule, and ensuring that all team members are aligned with the project goals. They communicate progress and challenges to the client and motivate the team to stay on track. Their leadership is vital in managing resources and responding to any scope changes effectively.

Each member of the dedicated team focuses exclusively on your project, ensuring cohesive and efficient progress through their specialized roles. This dedicated attention helps in maintaining a high standard of quality and in delivering the project as per the agreed timelines and budgets.

How a dedicated team compares to other outsourcing models

A dedicated team is specifically tailored for long-term projects that require ongoing development and have scopes that are expected to evolve over time. This model is particularly beneficial because it offers flexibility and scalability that other outsourcing models may not provide. Here's a detailed comparison with other common models:

Type of collaboration

When outsourcing, choosing the right type of collaboration can significantly impact the efficiency and outcome of your project. Here’s a closer look at different models:

collaboration models

  • Dedicated team: This model entails assembling a group of external professionals who are committed solely to your project from start to finish. It’s perfect for long-term projects with evolving needs or when you require deep integration between the outsourced team and your internal processes. A dedicated team functions as an extension of your existing workforce or can operate independently if you lack an in-house team. Unlike staff augmentation, this approach offers strategic oversight and comprehensive project management, ensuring that every aspect of the project aligns with your business goals and adapts to changes smoothly.
  • Staff augmentation: This model involves temporarily expanding your team with external professionals who can plug into your existing project framework. It’s ideal for short-term needs such as covering for a team member on leave, handling unexpected spikes in workload, or adding specific expertise that your in-house team lacks. Staff augmentation is flexible but does not usually provide the strategic oversight or comprehensive management you get with a dedicated team.
  • Extended team: Similar to staff augmentation, the extended team model is used for adding specific expertise but is geared towards longer-term engagements. This model allows for better integration into your company's culture and processes since the team members are effectively part of your organizational setup for a prolonged period. However, the management and alignment of goals might still rest predominantly with your in-house team.
  • Project-based: Project-based collaboration is adaptable to both traditional and agile methods. In this model, the outsourcing service provider manages the project from start to finish, minimizing the need for direct client oversight while maximizing project efficiency. This arrangement allows development teams to select projects that best match their expertise and strategic goals, providing flexibility and control over their workflow. It's an effective way for teams to focus on delivering high-value results while aligning with their skills and professional development.

Pricing structure

Choosing the right pricing structure is necessary for aligning your project's requirements with your budget and flexibility needs. Each model offers distinct advantages and potential drawbacks:

dedicated team pricing models

  • Fixed-price: This model is ideal for projects with very clear, detailed, and well-defined requirements where the scope is unlikely to change. It provides a straightforward budgeting framework, as the total cost is agreed upon before the project begins. However, the main pitfall is its lack of flexibility. If your project requirements change or if additional features are needed beyond the initial scope, renegotiating the contract can be time-consuming and potentially costly. This inflexibility makes it less suitable for projects that are dynamic in nature, where a dedicated team model, with its adaptable approach to evolving project scopes, might be more advantageous. In other words, this model suits the waterfall approach, while dynamic projects rather need an agile one with regular iterations of the product.
  • Time and materials: Under this model, clients pay for the actual time spent and resources used on their project. This approach is beneficial for projects where the scope is not clearly defined from the start or is expected to evolve, as it allows for more flexibility in managing changes without renegotiating the entire contract. However, unlike a dedicated team that is reserved solely for one project, resources in a time and materials setup might be shared across multiple projects, which could lead to divided attention and priorities.
  • Monthly salary: This model involves paying a recurring fee typically based on the number of team members dedicated to the project, resembling a subscription or retainer fee. It’s particularly effective for long-term projects that require ongoing maintenance or iterative development without a clear end date. This provides budget predictability and simplifies financial planning. However, it might lack the cost-efficiency of a dedicated team model if the workload varies significantly over time since the cost remains constant regardless of actual work performed.

Location of the team

The location of your development team impacts communication, cost, and project management. Here’s how different team locations—onshore, nearshore, and offshore—each address specific needs and challenges:

  • Onshore: Choosing an onshore team means that the development team is based in your own country. This often simplifies communication and collaboration due to fewer language barriers and similar working hours. It also ensures compliance with local standards and laws. However, onshore teams typically come at a higher cost compared to nearshore or offshore options.
  • Nearshore: Nearshore teams are located in countries close to your own, often within the same time zone or a few hours’ difference. This facilitates easier communication and faster travel times compared to offshore options. Nearshore teams can offer a good balance between cost, convenience, and oversight, making them a viable option for businesses looking to maintain high levels of collaboration without the higher costs associated with onshore teams.
  • Offshore: Offshore dedicated teams are based in distant countries, often providing significant cost savings. They can be an excellent option for companies with tighter budgets or those looking to leverage skills from global talent pools. However, managing projects can be challenging due to time zone differences, cultural barriers, and communication hurdles. This model requires robust processes and communication tools to manage effectively, whereas an onshore or nearshore team might offer smoother day-to-day interaction and faster turnaround times.

What about numbers? Below is a comparison of the typical rates associated with each pricing model, assuming you are based somewhere in North America:

Hourly rate 
USA, Canada
Latin America, Mexico
Eastern Europe, India

At Greenice, our rate is $30 per hour, covering the entire development team's services.

Each model serves different business needs and choosing the right one depends on your project requirements, duration, and the level of integration and control you want over the outsourced team. For projects that are complex, likely to evolve, or require dedicated attention without the need for frequent direction changes, a dedicated team model is often the best solution.

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Why hire a dedicated team

Dedicated remote teams are not just a resource but a partnership that offers deep commitment and continuity for the duration of your project. The singular focus on your project allows the team to develop a comprehensive understanding of your business objectives, industry standards, and customer needs. This in-depth knowledge results in highly customized solutions that are not only technically robust but also aligned with your strategic goals.

Hiring dedicated developers provides unique advantages by ensuring that every aspect of your project is meticulously catered to with a focus on long-term success. Here’s how these benefits manifest when compared subtly with other outsourcing models:

Benefits of hiring dedicated development team
Benefits of hiring dedicated development team
  • Long-term commitment and stability: It offers sustained commitment and a consistent developmental approach, providing stability throughout the project lifecycle. This ensures continuous project progress and avoids disruptions that might occur with more temporary team setups.
  • Exclusive focus on your project: By investing full attention and resources into a single project, such teams achieve a deeper understanding of your project goals. This focused approach leads to a more refined and effective execution, enhancing the quality and coherence of the final product. This contrasts with project-based models, where teams might divide their focus among multiple projects, potentially diluting the attention your project receives.
  • Tailored solutions aligned with business strategy: Solutions crafted by dedicated teams are customized and strategically aligned with your business objectives. This ensures that every aspect of the solution not only meets technical specifications but also supports broader business growth and strategic plans. In comparison, while extended teams integrate well into your company’s operations, the ultimate responsibility for strategic alignment and detailed project management often remains with your internal team.
  • Deep integration with business objectives and industry practices: They immerse themselves in your business context and industry specifics, resulting in solutions that are not only innovative but also compliant with industry standards. This deep integration helps in crafting solutions that are perfectly aligned with your long-term business objectives. Other models, although effective for injecting specific skills quickly, might not provide professionals who are fully integrated with or committed to your long-term business objectives and industry nuances.
  • Comprehensive technical and strategic development: Combining technical expertise with strategic foresight, they ensure that every solution is robust and built to last. Unlike limited-scope projects, this approach allows for the development of solutions that anticipate and adapt to future business needs, making them sustainable and scalable.

When to hire a dedicated software development team

Hiring a dedicated development team offers significant advantages, especially for projects that are complex and evolving. This model allows for the flexibility to adapt as project requirements develop and new needs emerge. Below are specific company types and situations where employing a such outsourcing team is particularly beneficial:

types of companies where hiring dedicated team is beneficial

1. Startups and scale-ups

Note: Only for those startups that have proven their viability and demand for their product. This means that they passed the Pre-seed, Seed, and Early Stage of startup development.

  • Rapid growth needs: For startups in rapid expansion phases post-initial validation, it can immediately provide the necessary skills and scale alongside the business's growth, filling in critical gaps quickly.
  • Technical expertise: Non-technical founders or startups lacking in-house technical capabilities often benefit from such teams that manage all technical aspects from development to ongoing maintenance.

2. Medium to large enterprises

  • Project expansion: Enterprises aiming to launch new projects without overextending their current staff find value in dedicated teams that focus solely on these new initiatives.
  • Specialized skills: When internal teams lack specialized knowledge (e.g., AI, blockchain technology), outsourced teams bring that expertise to the table, enabling enterprises to tackle complex, tech-heavy projects.

3. Technology companies

  • Continuous product development: Tech companies requiring constant development and updates for their products benefit from dedicated teams that provide continuity and a deep understanding of the product life cycle.
  • Handling multiple projects: It allows technology companies to manage multiple projects simultaneously, ensuring each one receives focused attention and resources.

4. Agencies

  • Scaling client work: Agencies that need to expand their capabilities for larger client projects temporarily can use remote teams to enhance their output without a long-term hiring commitment.

5. Companies undergoing digital transformation

  • Upgrading legacy systems: Companies looking to update old systems with modern technology often use dedicated teams to focus on this transformation without disrupting daily operations.
  • Integrating new technologies: For the integration of advanced technologies like IoT or machine learning, these teams provide the intense focus and specialized skills necessary for success.

Situations favoring teams of dedicated developers

  • Long-term projects: Ideal for projects that require prolonged engagement and iterative development.
  • Complex custom projects: Best suited for projects that demand high customization and complexity, requiring specific expertise not available in-house.
  • Flexible scaling needs: Useful for projects with variable resource requirements, where the ability to quickly scale up or down is crucial.

In each of these cases, such a team can systematically address changes and expand capabilities without the constraints of a fixed project scope, making them a strategic choice for dynamic and growth-oriented projects.

When not to hire a dedicated team

While a dedicated team offers significant advantages, certain circumstances make this model less suitable. Here are specific scenarios where hiring such team might not be the most effective approach:

when not to hire dedicated team

1. Short and middle-term projects:

  • Short-term projects: For small projects with clear and defined requirements, such as creating a promotional website for an event or developing a single mobile application with no anticipated updates, a fixed-price model is ideal. This model offers clarity on costs and timelines upfront, making it perfect for projects with a tight deadline and limited scope.
  • Middle-term projects: If the project has a somewhat extended timeline but still features a well-defined scope and deliverables, the project-based model can be more suitable. This allows for some flexibility in managing project costs and resources without the need for a long-term commitment to a team.

2. Limited time and budget:

If you have a strict budget and the project doesn't require the extensive and varied expertise that a dedicated team provides, it's more cost-effective to opt for a project-based model. For example, if you need only a few specific skills like basic web development without ongoing support or iterative development, using a fixed-price contract will keep expenses predictable and manageable.

3. Fully defined project scope:

When every detail of your project is planned out in advance—including all features and execution steps—a dedicated team may not be necessary. In such cases, where there are no expected changes or need for iterative development, settling on either a fixed-price or Time & Material model (depending on project length and complexity) is more appropriate. This structure works well for projects where the primary goal is straightforward execution rather than innovation or scalability, such as software upgrades or re-platforming.

4. Limited need for diverse skill sets:

If your project requires only a few specific skills, assembling an outsourced team with a wide range of expertise might lead to the underutilization of resources and unnecessary costs. In such cases, it might be more practical to hire individual contractors or a smaller team that fits the exact skill requirement, ensuring a more direct and efficient use of your budget.

5. Predictable and static projects:

For projects with predictable workflows and no anticipated development changes—such as data entry tasks, content migration, or replication of existing features—using a dedicated team may lead to inefficiencies. These types of projects often benefit from more transactional and less collaborative engagement models, such as project-based contracts.

A dedicated team is not a one-size-fits-all solution and may not align well with every type of project, budget, or deadline. For projects that are straightforward or short-term, a fixed-price model or hiring freelancers might be more cost-effective and efficient. This approach is especially viable when the project scope is limited and doesn't justify the overhead of managing a full team.

How to hire a dedicated team

Hiring a dedicated team requires a strategic approach to ensure that you find the right partners who can effectively contribute to your project’s success. Below are the steps to guide you through this process:

how to hire a dedicated team

1. Define your project requirements clearly:

Start by detailing what you need from the project. Include the scope, objectives, desired features, performance requirements, and the timeline. A clear brief helps potential providers understand your expectations and assess their ability to meet them.
This initial step is commonly referred to as the Discovery Phase and the deliverable you get at the end - Software Requirements Specification. If you need any assistance at this point - our team is eager and ready to help you conduct a profound Discovery Phase and craft a comprehensive SRS.

2. Search for providers with relevant expertise and proven track records:

Look for web development firms that specialize in the technologies you require and have experience in your industry. Use platforms like, LinkedIn, or Google to find and shortlist companies. Check for specialties that align with your project’s needs, such as expertise in scalable web architectures or experience with specific industries like healthcare or eCommerce.

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3. Evaluate their portfolios and client testimonials:

Review the portfolios of your shortlisted providers to see examples of their previous work. Look for projects similar in scale and complexity to yours. Portfolios can give you insight into the quality of their work and the technologies they use. Additionally, read client testimonials and reviews to gauge their reliability, responsiveness, and the overall satisfaction of past clients. You might also request references or case studies for a deeper understanding of their capabilities.

4. Discuss and agree on the collaboration model and pricing:

Once you've narrowed down your candidates, discuss how they typically engage with clients. Make sure their proposed collaboration model aligns with your needs—whether it’s a dedicated team, staff augmentation, or a hybrid approach. Discuss the pricing structure (fixed-price, time and materials, or monthly retainer) and ensure it fits your budget and the project’s scope. This step may involve negotiating terms to find a mutually beneficial agreement.

5. Start with a pilot project to assess compatibility:

Before committing to a long-term partnership, initiate a smaller, manageable project that serves as a trial run. This allows you to evaluate the team's technical skills, workflow, communication style, and adaptability without the risk of a large-scale commitment. For example, you could start with the development of a single module or a minimal viable product (MVP). The success of this pilot project will give you confidence in their ability to handle larger segments of your project.

By following these steps, you can ensure that you select a dedicated team that not only meets your technical and budgetary requirements but also fits well with your organizational culture and project goals.

Our experience as a dedicated development company

If you're on the lookout for a team of dedicated developers, Greenice is a great choice. We've been helping clients for years, and we've got plenty of success stories to show for it. Here are just a couple of examples to give you an idea of what we can do.


For over a decade, our dedicated web development team has been instrumental in supporting Atlantic Coast Brands, known for its innovative beauty products and a global customer base of over 10 million. We developed and continue to manage customized online stores for each of their six brands, equipped with advanced eCommerce functionalities.

Projects we've developed for ACB Company include a variety of customized solutions tailored to their specific operational needs:

  • Custom ERP system: Integrating all core business processes into a single system, enhancing data accuracy and decision-making.
  • eCommerce websites: We built dedicated online stores for each of the client's six brands, equipped with features like dynamic product displays, shopping carts, upselling and cross-selling mechanisms, and autoship options.
  • Affiliate system: A robust platform for managing affiliate traffic and commissions, seamlessly integrated with the company’s ERP.
  • Call-center system: A bespoke dialer system, crafted exclusively for use in the company’s call center to optimize communication and customer management.
  • Web engine: A versatile tool for swiftly creating customized landing pages, improving marketing efforts and user engagement.

Each project was designed to strengthen ACB Company's ability to serve their customers better while streamlining internal operations. We continue to provide ongoing maintenance and support for these solutions, ensuring their optimal performance and alignment with the company's evolving needs.

Wibbi (formerly Physiotec)

Wibbi, a leading Canadian company specializing in rehabilitation with its comprehensive platform, faced the challenge of enhancing its software to better create and manage Home Exercise Programs (HEPs) for patients. With over 20,000 rehab exercise videos across 18 specialties, integrated EMR support, and tools to boost patient engagement, Wibbi simplifies creating personalized treatment plans, ensuring efficient management and active patient participation in recovery.

Our task was to enable physical therapists to create, send, and track personalized HEPs efficiently. We built a comprehensive system that included:

  • Custom home exercise program creation: Allowing therapists to easily select exercises, customize instructions, and incorporate videos and images.
  • Enhanced distribution options: Providing multiple ways to deliver programs, including email, print formats, and online access with expiration dates.
  • Advanced search functionality: Utilizing Elasticsearch technology, we optimized search capabilities, enabling faster and more accurate exercise selection based on detailed criteria. This feature streamlines navigation through the extensive database of thousands of exercises, making it much easier to find exactly what you need.
  • Integration with EMRs/EHRs: We integrated the system with over 25 different electronic medical records systems, streamlining data synchronization between therapists and patient profiles.
  • Tracking and reporting: A new HEP tracker was introduced for patients to record their progress, which therapists can monitor to adjust treatments as necessary.

This work dramatically improved the usability and functionality of the client software, simplifying the creation, management, and tracking of HEPs, thus enhancing the service quality for therapists and patients alike. Today, we continue to maintain this platform, ensuring a seamless experience for both our client and their customers.


As you consider the best path for your digital project, a dedicated web development team stands out as a premier choice for ensuring deep commitment, customization, and continuity. This article has guided you through what a dedicated team involves, who makes up the team, and how this model compares to other outsourcing options. You've also gained insights into when and when not to hire dedicated developers, how to go about hiring the team, and the strategic benefits based on real-world applications in various business scenarios.

If you're ready to take your project to the next level with a partnership that aligns closely with your strategic goals and adapts dynamically to your evolving needs, consider reaching out to us. We offer our dedicated development team services to your unique challenges, ensuring a solution that's not only effective but also future-proof.

Need a dedicated team?

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Inna Lebedeva

Inna Lebedeva is a market researcher and writer at Greenice web development company. She investigates IT niches and writes articles for entrepreneurs who want to launch their business in those niches. Utilizing our experienced Greenice team, and intensive market research, Inna provides in-depth analysis to business owners, enabling them to make informed decisions.

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Sergii Opanasenko

Sergii is responsible for establishing and overseeing the main business operations at Greenice. In particular, he supervises web development, QA, project management, HR, and sales. Sergii’s job is to ensure that all puzzle pieces of the business come together to provide the best service to our clients.

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