
We develop websites and apps that do exactly what you need. We specialize in custom web development services, which means that your solution will be tailored to perfectly fit your business.


Leverage our experience and hands-on knowledge of industry domains and specialized solutions.


We use mostly open-source technologies, which significantly cuts development costs without compromising on quality and security.


Greenice is a Top Rated web development agency established in 2007.

Read More About Us
Serhii Burukin
Sergey Burukin - Head of Decision Intelligence at Greenice

At Greenice, Sergey manages machine learning, information architecture, research, and development. He provides full-stack data analysis and supervises the work of web developers on his projects. 

Sergey is passionate about developing artificial intelligence (machine learning) systems. He believes AI systems can and should enforce decision-making.

Sergey is a professional analyst who has successfully completed several analytics courses at schools in the USA, the UK, and Ukraine. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering / Computer Science and a Master’s in International Affairs.

He spends his free time with family, reads analytic publications, and works out.

Sergey Burukin shares his expertise on Greenice’s blog, as well as in other publications:

Sergey’s article ‘AI in Crowdsourced Design: Sourcing Collective Design Intelligence’ became part of the book: “The Routledge Companion to Artificial Intelligence in Architecture” published by Routledge Taylor & Francis.

He has published three articles in Towards Data Science:  

How to Find the Right Music for Your Video Using Deep Learning

NLP-based Data Preprocessing Method to Improve Prediction Model Accuracy

Data Structure Evaluation to Choose the Optimal Machine Learning Method

Connect with Sergey on Linkedin.


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Online payment services comparison: Paypal vs Stripe vs Square
Technologies Online payment services comparison: Paypal vs Stripe vs Square

The online shopping cart abandonment rate is an alarming 70%!

The reasons might be mandatory sign-up, unsatisfactory payment methods, excessive commissions, complicated checkout process, insufficient security, or just that the planets aren’t aligned — you never know why.

One way to increase the percentage of completed deals is the integration of a comfortable and reliable payment gateway. In this article, we’ll compare the best payment gateways and share our insights about how to choose the best payment solutions and integrate them into your website! Enjoy!

Anna Klimenko
How to Build a Site like Houzz but not Be a Copycat
Marketplace How to Build a Site like Houzz but not Be a Copycat

According to the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University, spending on home improvements increased from $406 in 2019, to $433 billion in 2021, even despite the pandemic and economic decline. Homeowners started to look for inspiration and delivery services via the Internet. But even before the pandemic the online platforms for home renovation flourished. One of the most popular in this sphere is Houzz. 

If you are interested in using the Houzz business model to create a similar app for another niche or a country where Houzz is not present, this article is a perfect guideline for you. Ready to jump in?

Anna Klimenko
How to Build a Machine Learning Based Recommendation System for Your Marketplace
Marketplace Business Automation How to Build a Machine Learning Based Recommendation System for Your Marketplace
“When you think about recommending something to someone, there’s a real business reason why you might want to do that.” - Jack Chua, Director of Data Science at Expedia.

Machine learning recommendation systems are not just a trendy feature of online stores. It is a mighty tool that can propel your business to the next level if used strategically. No wonder Jack Chua suggests always having “a great tie-in to the underlying KPI of what you want to drive”. For example, increase sales, customer retention, cross-selling, and so on.

If you’re still hesitating on how exactly to use recommendations to invigorate your business, we invite you to learn from the experience of those who already made it work brilliantly!

We collected the best examples of machine learning implementation in recommenders (including our own development projects) and explain in plain English how to build a machine learning recommender system from scratch. Are you in?

Anna Klimenko
How To Make a Website Like Wish (Or a Better One)
Marketplace How To Make a Website Like Wish (Or a Better One)

In 2020 customers spent $2.67 trillion (95% of worldwide market sales) on the top 100 online marketplaces. No wonder so many people want to start eCommerce businesses. Let’s take a close look at, one of the biggest marketplaces.

Wish is famous for low prices and aggressive marketing, the tricks to draw more customers, and unique feed algorithms. Do you want to learn how Wish became successful, how it works, and how to make an app similar to Wish? 

Inna Lebedeva
How Leading Companies Use Machine Learning in HR to Dramatically Improve Efficiency
Business Automation How Leading Companies Use Machine Learning in HR to Dramatically Improve Efficiency

What do Google, IBM, Unilever, and IKEA have in common, besides being market leaders? They, along with a handful of others, are trailblazers that have been applying artificial intelligence in human capital management for years already, and they have done so successfully!

Regardless of whether you believe in the ‘Terminator’ scenario or not, right now machine learning can give your company a real competitive edge in talent management.

Kateryna Reshetilo
3 Ways to Use Machine Learning in Your Peer-to-Peer Marketplace
Marketplace Business Automation 3 Ways to Use Machine Learning in Your Peer-to-Peer Marketplace

Imagine having a magic ball to foresee things about your business. What would you do?

Maybe you’d like to know exactly what your users are looking for, so you could better serve them. Or, you’d want to know what prices will bring you the most profit on a given day. Perhaps, you’d like to catch the ill-intentioned users even before they do any harm to you and others on your platform.

What if I tell you it is possible? Shared economy leaders use machine learning for eCommerce and p2p marketplaces to do these and many other great things that have a direct impact on their success.

Kateryna Reshetilo
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